Update! Where I've been, and the future of Love & Sects

The one-year anniversary of Love & Sects is coming up real soon! Also, I haven't posted a new chapter in a while because my daughter, Amilyn, decided to be born ten days early.So, here's how the next month is going to shake out: I'm on a track to release Ch. 9 on May 20th, and Ch. 10 on June 3rd, just in time for the first anniversary of L&S posting online. This will mark the end of Act II. I'm thinking of switching up the format to allow smaller, more frequent updates for Act III in August.I couldn't chop Ch. 9 down to a reasonable page count without losing either story or pacing, so I've broken off the last bit, and put it in Ch. 10, Which I think works better in the end.Thank you all for your patience while I go through some life changes. The past year has been an amazing first leg of a journey. I hope you'll continue down this road with me.


Love & Sects - Chapter 9


Love & Sects: Chapter 8