Interlude: Nora’s girlfriend

Nora Sanderson scrolled through the photos on her Compact Flash card. They were for a portrait assignment in her Intro to photography class at LFCC, and Karina had volunteered to be her subject.
It wouldn’t be useful for the class, but Nora’s favorite was the last. The first picture of the two of them. They had gotten very close in the past year. It had taken Nora a long time to admit how she felt. She feared it was too good to be true.
She had always had the feeling that her family and her friends in the congregation only ever loved her with an asterisk; that her worth was contingent on certain conditions, and they would turn on her, destroy her, if she didn’t obey.
Karina was different. With her, Nora felt like she had value, that she was interesting. They were discovering each other; building each other up. Every new level of comfort and vulnerability was a triumph. For the first time in her life, she could love without fear, if only in the moments she spent away from home and the Kingdom Hall.
Looking at the photo, Nora realized she was trembling. She wiped away a tear, one of happiness, and of fear. Her choice was made. Where there’s conflict between love & sect, she’d choose love.

I felt the need for a brief interlude to check in with Joana’s sister. Just so we’re clear, this is canon, this will matter to the story, I’ve been excited about this for at least a year.

Originally published June 26th, 2020

Also available on Webtoon.


L&S 24:1-7


L&S 23:1-5