RCCC Debrief

Hey, friends!

I had an exhausting convention weekend very recently. I overextended a bit, deciding to launch “Enter The Fray” the same week.

When I was finally offered a table at Rose City Comic Con, there were fewer than three weeks until the event. I decided that even though I would have to throw a display together from scratch, I would not pass up the opportunity. It may not have been the best decision, but I gained a lot of practical knowledge that I did not get from going as an attendee for years prior.

Some things I learned that might be helpful if you plan to exhibit:

  • Graphic novels aren’t an easy sell in Artist Alley. They are heavy, and they represent a time commitment to read. Ideal products can be grasped almost instantaneously. Make the customer’s decision as easy as possible.

  • Location matters. There are multiple, distinct audiences at any given con. Some are there for comics, some for anime, some for craft items. Your odds of making a sale are effected by whether or not you’re clustered with similar product. While it is not a death sentence, it sucks to be close to the celebrity autograph area.

  • Have a booth buddy. I was flying solo, and consequently couldn’t attend some panels that might’ve been beneficial. I only got to take a couple strolls around the hall. If you can share a table, that’s great. If you can get a trusted friend to cover you for an hour, that is great also.

Do I plan to get a table next year? I think so. What I had to sell was not a great match to the venue. My experience leads me to believe that my planned 2023 material will be much better geared to resonate with con-goers who aren’t already familiar with my work, which is most of them. If I languish on the wait list and don’t get a table, at least I know what I’m missing, and I don’t feel I need to be dependent on it.

I am so grateful to the people who did stop in to say “hello.” There are people I don’t get to see often enough, and that’s one of the big reasons Rose City is still so important to me.


The Darkest Days of Inter-project Despair