The Darkest Days of Inter-project Despair

Hey Everybody!

I wanted to pull the curtain back a little bit, and give a quick explanation of what my life is at the moment, and why I haven’t posted very much lately.

My next project, like L&S before it, is a labor of love that I’ve been dying to make for well over a decade. “Enter The Fray” is an urban-fantasy story about deradicalization and found family in a world without absolute good and evil. It represents a personal shift from “write what you know,” to “write the stories you want to read.” It is ambitious and exciting, and will require new skills and a lot of hard work.

Enter The Fray WIP

I’m approaching a bit of a crossroads. Art/comics is not my full-time job; I’m still working about 42hrs/wk in semiconductor manufacturing. I’ve started implementing a mid-term plan to make creative work into a viable career. I’ve been putting a lot of pressure on myself to not only get this next story right, but to make it profitable, which is not the healthiest mental state for creating anything.

I’ve felt separated from my art since about the time I sent L&S to the printers. I’m miserably behind on the artworks for high-tier Kickstarter rewards, and I’ve produced only a handful of drawings besides. I haven’t been idle, but the work I’ve done hasn’t come easy. On top of the logistics of shipping orders and rebuilding my website, I’ve needed to take some down time for the sake of my partner’s mental health. I need to rebuild momentum.

L&S Vampire AU with my meager watercolor skills

I do feel like I’m emerging from the darkest days of the inter-project despair. I have a tiny slice of Enter The Fray that I’ll be finishing this month as proof-of-concept, as well as the goal of having 6/9 Kickstarter artworks completed. I’ll also be building a new portfolio page so I can resume applying to conventions.

Balancing the demands of being a good husband/father, full-time wage worker, and graphic novelist is not easy. I’ve been strained near the breaking point a few times in the last five years, and it’s not guaranteed to let up anytime real soon. If you are struggling to launch or maintain a creative career, let us journey together. I could use more friends and allies.




RCCC Debrief